
Iconoclasm: the 22nd Graduate Colloquium of the Centre for Comparative Literature, March 2011
Transverse, the journal of the Centre for Comparative Literature

Media Stories:
October 29, 2010: “Academic ‘crisis’ averted” by Carson Jerema, Maclean’s On Campus
“A Reprieve is Possible for Frye Centre at U. of Toronto” by Karen Birchard, Chronicle of Higher Education
October 28, 2010: “U of T abadons plan to close famed school” by Joe Friesen, Globe and Mail
October 22, 2010: “Putting a Price on Professors” by Stephanie Simon and Stephanie Banchero, Wall Street Journal
October 11, 2010: “A necessary piece of the university puzzle” by Maria Chicosz, The Varsity
    “BMO donates $2.5 m to U of T” by Dylan Robertson, The Varsity
September 27, 2010: “Emotions run high at town hall” by Elizabeth Kagedan, The Varsity
September 21, 2010: “A Faculty Looks Ahead” by Scott Anderson, U of T Magazine
August 10, 2010: “Academic ‘crisis’ at the U of T” by Carson Jerema, Maclean’s
July 28, 2010: “Academic Vandalism” by Carson Jerema, Maclean’s
July 27, 2010: “Amalgamation causes unrest at University of Toronto” by Robyn Urback,
July 20, 2010: “Sweeping changes proposed for A&S” by Dylan Robertson, The
“Oh, the Humanities” by Linda Hutcheon, The Mark
July 16, 2010: “Northrop Frye’s greatest gift: his books” editorial in the Globe and Mail
July 14, 2010: “No ‘sacred cows’ as U of T slashes arts budget” by Elizabeth Church, Globe and Mail
July 9, 2010: “U of T Plans to School its Languages and Literatures” by Suzannah Showler, The Torontoist

Ongiong Coverage available at The Educated Imagination and at Discussing the Academic Plan

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The Humanities at Risk:
October 17, 2010: “The Future of Wannabe U.” by Gaye Tuchman, The Chronicle Review
“Library Inc.” by Daniel Goldstein, The Chronicle Review
“The Corporate analogy unravels” by Andrew Ross, The Chronicle Review
“The Steinbrenner Effect” by Steven Conn, The Chronicle Review
“Lessons From Paulo Freire” by Henry A. Giroux, The Chronicle Review (subscription)
“Are We Commodities? If so, we’re selling ourselves cheaply” by Russell J. Rickford, The Chronicle Review (subscription)
“The University of the Customer: A thought experiment” by Bill Sams, The Chronicle Review (subscription) October 11, 2010: “The Crisis of the Humanities Officially Arrives” by Stanley Fish, Opinionator blog, NY Times
January 10, 2010: “The case for an arts education” by Alexandra Gould, The Varsity
November 19, 2009: “Students worried for interdisciplinary programs” by Shonith Rajendran, The Varsity
“A Critique of the cuts” on Inside Higher Ed (video on video page)
“Academe’s Stepchild” by David Hayes, Unversity Affairs
“Teaching the Humanities: Vital to Society?” by John Allemang, The Globe and Mail
“From the Humanities to Ecology” Masao Miyoshi, Soka University

Blog Posts
“A Plea for Conversation” by Brian Chappell 
“Canada’s Cultural Famine,” blog post by Natalie Pendergast
The Academic blog by Carmen Faye